Huwebes, Setyembre 26, 2013

My Insights about One Classroom Policy

As a future teacher, I would suggest the policy of "3 R's" in classroom. That "3 R's " are composes of the following:
1. reading
2. writing
3. rythmetic

with this "3R's"  reading, writing, and rythmetic the student and the teacher it goes beyond the didactic process of lessons to be learned and excuses to be accomplished, but encompasses a lot more in the formation of the students. It provides the students with the capacity of critical thinking, social awareness, and commitment to empowerment for social action. Moreover, this "3R's" it starts with envisioning the responsible, free, active student as the product and look at the curriculum as defining comprehensive process that molds the youth into this kind of person.

I chose to suggest  this policy serve as what I have learned in my Curriculum Development Subject because for this 1st Semester I am enrolled to this Curriculum Development Subject. It helps me to motivate myself and go beyond the learning structure of the domains. 

My Insights about Student-Teacher Relationship

When we talk about Student-teacher relationship this is compose of two people first is the teacher and second is the student. There should be a collaboration with the teacher and a student in a classroom because collaboration is the basic need of a students with this they communicate to each other. Teacher act as the facilitator of the classroom. Effective teachers use an array of teaching strategies because there is no single universal approach that suits all situations. It should go beyond the classroom and include the learning processes derived from peer sharing and the students look forward to every school day and where much student's formations occur. It is really important to have a student- teacher relationship because it direct and influence from the real world experiences of students.

My Insights about Unruly behavior 

In a classroom setting I cannot assume that all of my students are good and kind because students came from different diverse in life. As a facilitator, I will reprimand my students to behave during classes hours in fact I enrolled my self to Education Course in Secondary Level to teach high school students. If one of my students would do stupid things while I discussing the lesson Of course! I will call his/her attention I will asked his/her that "hey, children is there anything wrong? or how's your day? is there any commotion that happened at your home?" What else could I helped for you my children? 

In this scenario  I can render my services towards him/her. Becoming a teacher is not an easy task because teachers are dealing with different kind of behavior of a student. To be able to reprimand this kind of behavior as a teacher I must do a parent-teacher collaboration with this, I can manage how to be good facilitator in coping up with their children. 

My  Insights About Cheating

As a future teacher, to maximized the case of cheating is that I need to have a strategy  in teaching wherein students would listen to me during discussions and if I will give a quiz to them they would not cheat during quizzes and examinations. Nowadays, there are some students are cheating during quizzes they don't no what would be the outcomes if they keep on doing that. Eventually, cheating is not new to us but to resolved this case as a teacher I need to collaborate to my student first. In that way I and my students are now collaborating I will asked them what are their strengths and weaknesses in life by doing this collaboration to my students I can know their approach in learning. Going back to the topic "cheating" there are advantages and disadvantages on it. The advantages would be you passed the exam but the question is, Did you do it sincerely and wholeheartedly? just to passed the exam? or did you used a  "sheet of paper to have a cheating style" and the disadvantage would be it is bad to cheat during quizzes and examinations because this would lead you to harmful expelled in the school. So, which are you belong? do good and avoid "cheating" ... The decision is your's :)
My Insights About Absenteeism

In my own opinion, absenteeism it really affects to those students who keep on doing absences in classes. It is a bad routine that students will make absences without valid reasons. Moreover, students who are fun of making absences can cause large difficulty in coping up to the lessons as well as reaching high grades. As a future teacher to deal with this situation, I will reprimand my students to avoid making absences in attending classes. As a teacher I will encourage my students to go to school because in schooling there are many things to learn. One of those is showing respect to elders, love, honor, and peace. In that way students can maximized their absences because they will know the true value and  essential of education.